

发布时间:2024-01-26 11:00:39作者:大悲原文

  调心的方便 The way to cultivate the mind





  Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra:

  While cultivating in suffering, if there is a notion of "suffering", ultimately one will not be able to cultivate great benefits for the welfare of infinite numbers of sentient beings. On the contrary, the Bodhisattvas employ nothing to be attained as the skillful means of cultivation. While cultivating in sufferings, he/she creates a notion of "happiness". While cultivating in difficulties, he/she creates a notion of "ease". While facing all sentient beings, he/she creates a notion that they are like a "family" or like "oneself". Wishing to liberate them, he/she has given rise to the vow for Supreme Enlightenment. In this way, the Bodhisattva will be able cultivate great benefits for the welfare of those infinite number of sentient beings.

  注 Note:

  无所得 Nothing to be attained(拼 Py: wúsuŏdé ; 梵 Skt:aprāptitva):指心中没有『察觉』或『认为』事物有任何实质性可被分别而产生执着。或者简单说,没有真实的事物被心察觉。

  The mind does not "perceive" or "apprehend" any phenomena that possess a true substantial essence which can be differentiated and attached to. Or simply, there is no true existing object being perceived by the awareness.



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