
直取快捷方式的摘要 Summary Of The Shortcut

发布时间:2023-11-01 09:30:34作者:大悲原文

  Part 2: Walking The Path 第2篇:行道

  2-1. Taking a Shortcut 直取快捷方式

  2-1-5. Summary Of The Shortcut 直取快捷方式的摘要

  I'll give you a few small reflections:



  1. To be diligent in developing awareness in all postures: Turn the hand up, turn the hand down, raise the hand, lower the hand, walk back and forth, lean to the right and the left, blink the eyes, open the mouth, swallow saliva, breath in and out, fully feeling yourself doing it. This is called having Sati. It is equal to throwing sesame seeds into the abyss. When awareness is complete, wisdom arises to really know and see the following matters: Rupa-Nama, Rupa doing – Nama doing, Rupa disease – Nama disease, knowing instability, impermanence and non-selfhood, knowing convention, knowing religion, knowing Buddhism, knowing evil, knowing merit, really knowing! These are objects to know with real awareness and wisdom.

  1. 在一切姿势当中精进培养觉性:在翻起手掌、翻下手掌、举起手臂、放下手臂、来回经行、斜向右边及左边、眨眼、开口、吞口水及吸气呼气时,全然觉知自己正在做的动作,这样就是有正念,而且这如同丢芝麻粒进深渊里,必须一点一点累积成果。当觉性达到圆满时,就会生起智慧而如实地知道并看到以下事物:色与名(Rupa-Nama, 即身与心),身行、心行、身病与心病,进而知道苦(instability)、无常(impermanence)和无我,知道世俗法、宗教、佛教、善恶、功德等意义,而且是真正如实地知道!这些是要用真正的觉性和智慧去了知的东西。

  2. Next, to work with the mind: Look at the mind with awareness. Whatever the mind thinks, immediately know it and conquer it. When we immediately know and conquer thought, this is called working with the mind.


  3. Do it until you are nimble and swift, until greed, hatred and delusion stop arising. It is the calming and extinguishing of suffering in the mind. This type of suffering we can't chase away as we would chase off a pig, a dog, a duck or a chicken. We must depend on the development of awareness and see our minds in order to deal with these types of defilements. If we don't see our minds, we will be empty, similar to a pit or abyss that is never full. When we have awareness, it means it is full, it is no longer a pit or an abyss; and Lobha, Dosa & Moha don't have a place to enter, because awareness is full.


  Whatever work we do, we do it with Sati/Panya. there is no delusion, only rightness. These types of defilements are ugly and worthy of getting fed up with. Whoever is a disciple of the Buddha with an eye to see the Dhamma will not have them lying around in his or her mind. they are afraid. Suppose we have defilements at a level of one-hundred percent. They slap our face one-hundred percent. When we see and understand them, they will gradually diminish. Then, when we try to become familiar with looking at our minds, the defilements will diminish increasingly, step by step. When it reaches one-hundred percent we're rid of suffering. What is left is one-hundred percent happiness. Therefore, may you all try to practice and reach the real peace and happiness.




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